Live Review: Unknown Mortal Orchestra ‘Can’t Keep Checking My Phone’

23 April 2015 | 1:17 pm | Caitlin Medcalf
Originally Appeared In

‘Can’t Keep Checking My Phone’ is the second single to be released from Unknown Mortal Orchestra's forthcoming record ‘Multi-Love’.

In true fashion, UNKNOWN MORTAL ORCHESTRA somehow seems to always do things a little differently. This might have to do with singer/songwriter Ruban Nielson’s incredibly broad taste in music. His instagram occasionally boasts an eclectic array of albums, from MF Doom to Angel Olsen to Chet Baker to an array of international titles, and I guess this informs his musical choices.

‘Can’t Keep Checking My Phone’ is the second single to be released from the forthcoming record ‘Multi-Love’.

Opening with this gorgeous film-noir-esque orchestral sequence, we’re then thrown straight into the deep end of this humongous cesspit of sounds, instruments and rhythms.

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Unknown Mortal Orchestra are so particular about the sounds they use and the way they convey them, and it’s this experimental nature that essentially solidifies their place as innovative musicians.

The track is conventionally funk-laden, yet it’s more subtle than that. Ruban’s vocals stand out as characteristic, yet the percussion feels foreign and the array of instruments feels different to any other UMO record.

We’ve been given two tracks so far from the new record. Both are as different as one another, and also completely separate from any previous releases. However, this is what UMO do so well; reinventing themselves with each record.