Peer through the fog to find an intricately woven ensemble of contraption and character, as Sydney producer MUTO drops his latest track.
A delicately woven ensemble of contraptions and character, 'Through The Fog' is MUTO's latest single. Producing understated and labyrinth-like sounds out of Sydney, Muto helps us peer through the fog to discover a fantastical little world.
The track clutches all the elements of a fiery trance number, but instead consciously decides to take a step back. Layers upon layers of sound are manipulated meticulously, until they defy all odds to create a surprisingly minimal sound.
The breakdown is incorporated seamlessly, but is a striking contrast to the fullness of the song. It feels as if the track fades to nothing, but there is always a little something magical ticking quietly. The moments of quiet lead the listener to truly relish the moments that are wealthy with sound and light.
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Muto has been gaining quite the reputation for himself, and just played our own EMCPlay showcase last week, but has continued to keep his head in the game. 'Through The Fog' is a track that seems at first perfect for the background, but a careful listen exposes its intricate composition and yearn for recognition.
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